22 Oct 2014 — 10 Nov 2014
Conseptual installation, tanah, air, beras, uang seribu
Reinforced fiber, polyurethane paint
50 x 28
Paper mache, water color plants, teakwood vase, teakwood rack
240 x 190
Fiber resin, timbul sablon, pigment warna, cat pu acrylic, kain sarung
200 x 200
Fiberglass, ranting pohon, daun daun kering
700 x 230
Horse drawn carriage, cloths and fiberglass
Found object, dipan kayu, kasur, mushroom substrate, fungi
200 x 180
Polyresin mixed stone sand and glow in the dark paint
200 x 200
Alumunium, permanent marker on mirror, resin, color pigment, thread
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