No One Sees What You See #23, 2022

Amin Taasha

This series of paintings, He used not only watercolors but also gouache, ink, acrylic paints, as well as gold and silver leaf. Each of these mediums has its personal meaning and usage. The symbols are representations of things that are real, while the myths reflect things that aren’t considered to be real, but between the two is a point of crossover. Some of the symbols are direct references to their real-world counterparts, such as the weapons, military equipment, flowers and Buddhas, while others such as the horses and crows are metaphors. The horses are representations of good companion, power and also discovery (novelty), while the crows are the smart people who can take advantage of any situation and find opportunities. The human figures are neither symbols nor myths, but describe the aspects of diversity and adversity in everyday life, but these characters maintain a belief in a better life and strive towards this. Examples of mythology can be found in the images of demons, these creatures struggle to f

Artwork Information

Watercolor Gouache Gold Silver on Fabriano Artistico paper
Dimension (cm)
16 x 28

Exhibition Information