Teplak Series 4 (Plagiarize Series 4), 2023

Arya Sudrajat

The works he displays are his efforts to stay in between the two world and try to take the strengths of both to produce new works that combine Arya's observations on bits and pieces of the Jelekong painter's behavior and his understanding of how mediums can be processed. a used cloth that inspire on how Jelekong painter used it as a rag and also a binder for the paintings to be taken to “tengkulak” or middlemen to be sold. The day when a painter binds their paintings with the rug and carry it in his head and walk to the middlemen’s house with a very excited face because it is a payday is an important memory for Arya as a Jelekong painter.

Artwork Information

Acrylic on canvas
Dimension (cm)
140 x 120

Exhibition Information