Angki Purbandono

Angki Purbandono

Souvenir From Tangkahan, 2017

scanography, lightbox installation

Angki Purbandono

Souvenir From Tangkahan, 2017

Scanography, lightbox installation

100 x 200

Angki Purbandono

Souvenir from TANGKAHAN, 2017

Photography and Scanography on light box

200 x 100

Angki Purbandono

Stone Age, 2017

Photography and Scanography print on Fabric

120 x 300

Angki Purbandono

Stone Flower, 2017

Photography and Scanography print on Fabric

120 x 300

Angki Purbandono

Stone In Cocount Shel, 2017

Photography and Scanography on Light box

100 x 100

Angki Purbandono

Stone Puppet, 2017

scanography, lightbox installation

Angki Purbandono

Stone Puppet, 2017

Photography and scanography on light box

300 x 140

Angki Purbandono

Stone Wood, 2017

Photography and Scanography print on Fabric

300 x 140

Angki Purbandono

Strictly Do Not Open, 2017

scanography, lightbox installation

Angki Purbandono

Sumbu Kosmik Memori = Memories Cosmic Axis , 2016

Photography print on transparent sticker stick on acrylic

Angki Purbandono

Sunflower Snacks, 2014

Print on paper & Print on transparent

100 x 200

Angki Purbandono

Sweet Lolita in Harajuku, 2017

scanography, lightbox installation

Angki Purbandono

Taxi Lover , 2014

print on transparant/light box

52 x 27

Angki Purbandono

The Baby Stone, 2017

scanography, lightbox installation

Angki Purbandono

The Baby Stone, 2017

Photography and Scanography on Light box

100 x 100

Angki Purbandono

The Beautiful Days, 2013

Scanography, C-print on transparancy paper, light wood box installation

80 x 120

Angki Purbandono

The Bread, 2012

Scanography UV print on acrylic, light box installation

150 x 100

Angki Purbandono

The Dust Hunters & The Fly Killers, 2014

Print on paper & Print on transparent

100 x 200

Angki Purbandono

The Elephant Monument, 2017

scanography, lightbox installation

Angki Purbandono

The Elephant Monument, 2017

Photography and scanography on light box

85 x 120

Angki Purbandono

The Ghost Park, 2024

Scanography printed on sticker paper glossy

120 x 120

Angki Purbandono

The Gift, 2013

Scanography, C-print on transparancy paper, light wood box installation

100 x 140

Angki Purbandono

The Gun Stock, 2014

Print on paper & Print on transparent

Angki Purbandono

The Holy Beef (1/3), 2011

Print on Kodak Metallic paper on dbond, protected with transparant acrylic

120 x 120

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Displaying items 193-224 of 253 in total